Thursday, September 16, 2010

Long time no blog

Sorry we have been totally slacking on the blog. FAIL. Anyway, things are great. John got a job going around to cell phone towers and checking batteries or some stupid stuff. He quit. He now works at a lovely coffee shop called Think Coffee, which is awesome and he likes. His manager happens to be an old friend of mine and my sisters from Jr. High and High school named Ryan, which is weird. He also has been making some good connections in the bike scene in Brooklyn. We will be going to the Brooklyn Invitational (bike show) this saturday! pictures will be taken and blogged post haste. Let's see...John's parents came for a visit, which was lots of fun. We went on a dinner cruise around the city and saw West Side Story. We also went to Coney Island and Six Flags with our friends. Fashion Week was really great, i did my last show today, which was successful and fun. I've been doing a lot more shoots recently due to friends referring me, and i'm finally getting paid! which is awesome. Well that about sums it up for now. We're gonna go play some pool.


p.s. here's some random pics
p.s.s. love and miss you all

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hey uhrrbody. Sorry we haven't really been keeping up with this. We've been doing some exploring and sightseeing this week, as you can see. We went down to Dumbo and walked along the river and the sun was just perfect for pictures of the camera didn't quite capture it. We went around the financial district(that dark photo is the NYSE). Then yesterday we walked the entirety of Central Park, it was amazing! The trees are incredible right now and the blossoms are still falling. we cant wait for you all to see it(note: don't do it in converse...woof). Anyway, we're still looking for apartments, there's some real gems out there...and some rotten death holes. But there's plenty available right now, so we'll find it. Oh, I maybe have a job tomorrow. well, that's all I've got at the moment. We love and miss you all tons and tonnes.

Sincerely, Something in Somewhere

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Here's some pictures of our street and the view of the city from the park on the east river, the weather is beautiful, perfect for taking strolls. so that's what we've been doing. Now for some apartment hunting and hanging out with friends. Love and miss you all.

Sincerely, Bitchin in Brooklyn

Sunday, April 11, 2010

No sleep til Brooklyn!

Well, we made it! (in record time it seemed). We woke up in Roanoke, Virginia and had decided to go through D.C., which turns out was a terrible idea because we ended up in deadlock traffic in the ghetto. We had gotten directions from google and they were all wrong somehow. But we improvised and ended up exactly where we needed to be. We did however catch some pictures of a few landmarks, the one that looks like nothing is the pentagon. The New Jersey Turnpike took us to the BQE, which took us by one of the most beautiful views of Manhattan, and dropped us a block from the apartment. We made it and are ready to sleep in tomorrow, then it's up and on to errands (laundry, apartment hunting, picture taking, etc.(which we will also update you on)). That's about it for now, we're gonna relax, drink some beer and watch a movie. Love and miss you all.

Sincerely, Worn out in Williamsburg

p.s. we didn't know about the whole comment thing, so we weren't ignoring you. :)

p.s.s. forgot to mention yesterday that we drove through Johnson City, TN... birthplace of our very own Timothy Paul Lyall. Which was a treat.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

On the road again..

Hey guys, sorry about the lack of updates, we were hangin out in Fairhope for a bit longer than expected and internet is hard to come by around those parts. John finally got a banjo tattoo on his knee (thanks AJ) and i got a keychain peanut knife which is just about as exciting. Anyway, we are back on the road and have stopped for a bit in beautiful Asheville, NC. We saw the Smokeys and the Blue Ridge Mnts. We tried to go to the Biltmore Estates(largest home in America)but were too late for a tour. Oh well, next time. We've got about 11 more hours to go til we get to Brooklyn and back to the real world. It's been a great trip, we've had alot of fun and seen some great people and places. Here's some pictures from the past couple days, also some added by friends on our facebooks. Love and miss you all.

Sincerely, Optimistic on the road

Sunday, April 4, 2010

two time zones later

We finally made it through Texas, but before we left, we stopped in San Antonio to hang out on the River Walk and see the Alamo. Where I disrespected the troops by kicking rocks at them.
That was nice.

We skipped New Orleans so that we could stay the night in Fairhope, Alabanana. We're staying here for a couple days to hang out with friends and relax a bit. Right now Josh Scott is sitting across from me! oh Squash. Anyway, that's about all for now. We're gonna go swimming! Love you all!

Sincerely, Fun-loving in Fairhope